A continual evolution of the original X Series of Touring Cars! The 1/10 Touring car market has changed with some new and innovative designs – We have been working hard on our latest and best EP touring car yet, we present the X20 ‘24! New and improved suspension geometry giving you maximum rotation! Featuring a beautifully engineered aluminium rear diff, along with a completely new designed rear upper arm link setup providing increased adjustability. New style flex shock mounts included with the 13mm shocks. Also the new style split topdeck the flex is adjustable like never before. The Serpent X20 ‘24 is more adjustable, more refined and made for more performance!
A continual evolution of the original X Series of Touring Cars! The 1/10 Touring car market has changed with some new and innovative designs – We have been working hard on our latest and best EP touring car yet, we present the X20 ‘24! New and improved suspension geometry giving you maximum rotation! Featuring a beautifully engineered aluminium rear diff, along with a completely new designed rear upper arm link setup providing increased adjustability. New style flex shock mounts included with the 13mm shocks. Also the new style split topdeck the flex is adjustable like never before. The Serpent X20 ‘24 is more adjustable, more refined and made for more performance!
The SRX8 GTE LWB Raceroller is a version of the successful Serpent SRX8 GTE.
Pre-assembled and factory pre-set LWB chassis with premounted 1/8 GT tyres.
4-wheel-drive,2 geardiffs, solid center axle, 16mm bigbore shocks, aluminium shocktower and chassis, easy radiobox. Fully upgradable with parts and options from the high end race-version. On the new SRX8GTE LWB Raceroller we have extended the chassis an additional 29mm for use with all true to scale related RC Bodies.
This super durable GT chassis allows a great entry in the racing scene, at a lower cost, and will make you finish your races !
The parts that are needed to run the car are: bodyshell,esc,motor,servo and battery's
The SRX8 GTE LWB Raceroller is a version of the successful Serpent SRX8 GTE.
Pre-assembled and factory pre-set LWB chassis with premounted 1/8 GT tyres.
4-wheel-drive,2 geardiffs, solid center axle, 16mm bigbore shocks, aluminium shocktower and chassis, easy radiobox. Fully upgradable with parts and options from the high end race-version. On the new SRX8GTE LWB Raceroller we have extended the chassis an additional 29mm for use with all true to scale related RC Bodies.
This super durable GT chassis allows a great entry in the racing scene, at a lower cost, and will make you finish your races !
The parts that are needed to run the car are: bodyshell,esc,motor,servo and battery's
Der SRX8GTE '23 ist unser bisher fortschrittlichster Elektro-GTE. Der SRX8GTE '23
teilt viele neue Funktionen unseres kürzlich veröffentlichten und hochentwickelten SRX8GT '23
Nitro-Version. Der SRX8GTE '23 teilt Designdetails und Komponenten von allen
Weiterentwicklung des SRX8, egal ob On-Road- oder Offroad-Version, zusammen mit neuen nie
wie es bei keinem Vorgängermodell der Fall war. Seit Beginn des 1:8 GT Electric
In der Kategorie hat sich Serpent mit erstklassiger Technologie, erstklassigem Design und dem bewährt
absolute Leistung auf der Strecke. Ohne Zweifel das neueste SRX8GTE '23-Modell,
ist das Beste, was wir je für diese Kategorie erstellt haben, und wir sind sicher, dass es Ihnen gefallen wird
damit Rennen gewinnen.
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