X20FWD ’21 improves on the very successful X20FWD touring car. The chassis is based on the popular mid motor design, using a light weight and strong 1-piece motor mount concept, without any interference between the front and rear chassis flex while still allowing center flex adjustability. The advantage for this style of design is to allow maximum flex capabilities without impacting the drivetrain, meaning smoother power delivery, more consistency and less chance of stripping spurs. And it uses the all new dual ball bearing DJC shafts and our new Steering hub allows adjustment of Axle height, offset and Roll center.
Cobra SRX8E buggy 1/8 EP High end competition racing E-buggy in block-layout ( upgrade to saddle pack as option). Bigbore shocks, 3 big volume gear-diffs, arms with inserts. 7075 T6 aluminum steeringblocks, c-hubs, uprights, suspension brackets, shocktowers, motormounts, centre diff brackets and chassis. Fully adjustable racing car. Polycarbonate Avenger E-buggy body, large moulded rear wing. No electronics. Shares suspension, shocks and diffs with GP buggy SRX8
When it comes to development of a product, there are no short cuts. With the intention of
raising the bar, hard work and dedication is the only path to success. The SRX8 and SRX8 Evo
were great cars, but here at Serpent we wanted more from this product, as bad as our
customers and team drivers want to win. We raced; we tested; and repeated this process
over and over until we were confident we created a better handling car that could reduce
your lap times. Why you ask, because we want you to perform your best, with the least
amount of effort. That’s what a great product is all about.
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